Sunday 25 March 2012

A few samples i produced based on the concept of virtual water and the water footprint

 for this i filled a basin with water,put my foot into it and photographed it. i then changed the hue of the photo by editing it. The concept is related to the water footprint,in this case,too much water being associated with the water footprint,hence the foot being submerged. I wanted to give the sense that the foot is being drowned.
                                         A variation of the first stamp,similar concept,although i wanted it to look a bit more like "a point beyond return" in the context of water consumption.
 In this image i filled a large bowl of water,put a fork and knife in it and photographed it. The concept is related to virtual water consumption, "eating water" as the typography says.
In this image i wanted to make the illustration directly linked to ireland, so i combined an image of a water footprint with an image of Ireland. i wanted to make the footprint bigger than the boundaries of Ireland,so as to illustrate the point that Ireland's water footprint has gone beyond its boundaries.

 Photographs i took of my feet while developing my idea related to the water footprint

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